Thursday, December 11, 2003

I'm tired.
Pretty much mired.

Feelin' low.
Lost that glow.
San Diego; no snow.

What's a girl to do,
But whine to you.
I'm gonna go get a Coke.
Somebody tell a joke.

This time of the year is rarely festive for me. DH's busiest time of the year at work occurs smack in the middle of the holiday season. RockStar's mom has only let us have him once for Christmas (he's 15); he heads back to North Carolina next week. My house is torn apart during the flood restoration. I miss my family in Oregon terribly.

I need a big ol' shot of Christmas Spirit, stat!

Just so y'all don't think I'm a total schmuck, I consider myself extremely blessed in my life and family. Just had to let off steam, know what I mean? Good.

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