Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I'm an Amy, You're an Amy, Dontcha Wanna Be an Amy, Too?

Apologies to Marcia for appropriating the Dr. Pepper (Dr. Heifer?) song for myself :-)

Must be a crafty imperative -- if you're named Amy, You Must Knit!

Knitty Amy:
  • http://squibnocket.worstjewever.com/

  • IndiGirl Amy:
  • http://www.indigirl.com/blog/

  • And our newest Amy:
  • http://members.cox.net/amyradinsky/

  • Oops! A Late-Breaking Amy, courtesy of Kerstin. It's Cyborgoddess Amy:
  • http://www.cyborgoddess.prettyposies.com/

  • And of course, moi.

    Awright, I realize 4 5 doth not a gang make, but I thought it a bit of a coinky-dink.

    New Pattern Alert!
    Bonne Marie Burns of ChicKnits fame has published the long-anticipated pattern for Mrs. CB's Camp Jacket. Bonne's mom made the original jacket many years ago. Bonne collaborated with her mom to recreate and improve the jacket. The pattern is a bargain at $4.95, available on Bonne's website for immediate purchase and download.

    Meanwhile, Back in LoTech Land
    Still plugging away at the LoTech Sangria. Should have the sleeves finished tonight (woo hoo!) My blog sistah Marcia described it as looking thus, and so it shall be known from now on.

    Sleeves of Fruity Goodness!

    A Wooly AND Worthy Charity

    Teresa, Deb, and Wendy have created a wonderful charity for this holiday season. Read all about The KnitBloggers Knitting Basket Project here.

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