Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Don't Look, Marcia!
'Cuz we're talking garter, here. Acres of wide open garter. To stay motivated during the endless garter-fest that is the Panera throw, I've compiled a list of Garter-Related topics:

  • Garter snake
  • Most Noble Order of the Garter: Knights of the Garter, Ladies of the Garter
  • Star & Garter
  • Garter belt
  • Getting Gerdie's Garter (movie, 1927)
  • Ye Harte & Garter Hotel
  • The Red Garter Bed & Bakery (former bordello)
  • Yellow Garter Band
  • Green Garter Band
  • James Garter (oops, Garner)

  • Ah, that puts me in a garter frame of mind. I'll leave you with pebbly pix, featuring 42" of Grade A Prime Garter:

    Looks like a freshly plowed field, don't it?

    Gorgeous Garter, as far as the eye can see!

    Happy Wednesday, everyone.

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