Saturday, June 21, 2003

A Day at the Fair!
Even the most dedicated of knitters needs a day off! So let's go to the San Diego County Fair, in lovely Del Mar, California. The fair is actually held on the grounds at the horse racing track of the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club. The track and clubhouse were built by the late singer Bing Crosby back in the 1930s. High stakes horse races are held July through September of every year. But not today! Here are some highlights:

What a face! A baby calf makes big eyes for the camera:

Three little piglets in a feed bowl:

This sweet little bulldog represented an Adopt-a-Bulldog program:

The Adopt-a-Greyhound program was popular with the kids, too:

Ugh! The Fried Twinkies have made it to the West Coast. Make an appointment with your cardiologist after eating one of these:

Me after eating a Fried Twinkie. Can't quite muster a smile -- my stomach hurts:

DH after the same Fried Twinkie. He looks a bit better.

DH trying on a 2003 Corvette for size:

The Skybridge from the fairgrounds to the horse track infield. We opted not to ride this year, as the price for a round-trip ticket for 2 went up to $12!

Lots of great exhibits, lots of fun. Have a nice weekend, everyone :-)

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