Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Takin' Care of Business
Woo hoo! Finished the left & right front of the SFH aka Aran Cardie. Here they are in all their unblocked glory:

Had to frog the back down to the beginning of the armhole decreases. The pattern says to knit the left/right front and back to 13" before starting the armhole shaping, but that doesn't work if you want the left/right neck front decreases to start along the top edge of the 3rd full diamond, and not have the neck slant cut through the diamond. You actually have to knit the left/right fronts to 14" to get this to happen. So I have to knit that extra inch into the back, too. Hmmph. This entire sweater has been like a Texas Two-Step (knit, frog, knit, frog, twirl yourself in frustration). If some lucky person happens to inherit this pattern booklet from me, they'll find copious little notes pencilled in the margins.

Aren't These Cute?

I've been eyeing these in the Sundance Catalog forever. But at $495, I'm ain't about to get 'em any time soon :-( The Sundance Catalog cracks me up -- especially the jewelry. The markup on their jewelry is outrageous. When I was silversmithing on a regular basis, I used to copy at least one item per issue in the Sundance Jewelry catalog, for about a tenth the price:

Pretty cute, huh? And it cost me under $10 to make. Take that, Robert Redford.

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