Tuesday, June 24, 2003

In the Home Stretch
Finished the neckband on the SFH (Sweater from Hell) yesterday and started sewing it up. Should have pictures tomorrow! In the meantime, here are some pretty flowers for your viewing enjoyment. Springtime in San Diego is elusive and fleeting, but this year we've had a prolonged "June Gloom," a weather phenomenon where the desert east of San Diego heats up and acts as a chimney, drawing cool air from the ocean. This creates a grey, misty atmosphere over San Diego for much of June. As summer progresses, the coast areas heat up and the "gloom" recedes offshore until early evening, when it moves back over the beach areas. If you look toward the coast on a summer evening, it literally looks like a grey wall hovering off the coastline. The benefit of this cool weather has been the extended life of the spring flowers. Usually, they start getting fried by now, but they've gotten a few weeks of extended life:

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